
Best Breed Of Birds & Parrots In Pakistan | Which One Is Best To Keep At Home?

2020-10-30 34 Dailymotion

Mr. Shahzad Ali a shop keeper and an expert in birds health and care has guided about the best breed of parrots in Pakistan. The unique and amazing types of birds and parrots are available in Pakistan and some types can be imported as per customer demand. The types include Parrotts, Budgerigar popular species of parakeet, Macaw colorful parrots in North and South America, Cockatoo, Lovebird, Parakeet, Kea, Conure, Rosella an Australian species, Lory, African gray parrot, kaka a New Zealand species and many more. It is important to provide them an essential food i.e birds pearl millet, fruits, bread, and egg. They cannot survive in extremely cold and extremely hot weather i.e a normal temperature is needed like human beings. Find out which one is best to keep at home?